Faith and Capital

Indecent Theology: Marcella Althaus-Reid w/ Brooke Matejka

Brooke Matejka joins us to discuss the work and thought of theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid. We talk about how all theology is sexual theology, Althaus-Reid's critiques of Liberation Theology and liberal feminist theology, her call for a materialist theology, and what it might mean for Christians to have an indecent theology.

Brooke Matejka's article "An Indecent Advent"

Brooke mentioned Thia Cooper's primer on Althaus-Reid Queer and Indecent: an Introduction to the Theology of Marcella Althaus-Reid

See also, Queer Theology: Beyond Apologetics, Linn Marie Tonstad

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Music by D.C.R. Pollock and Ed Russek

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